Stay Informed • Be Involved • Make a Difference


We are an inclusive network of global citizens and everyday activists, united in our enduring commitment to secure equity, social justice, and a sustainable environment. Through action, education, advocacy, and amplification of historically underrepresented voices, together we will vigorously promote and resolutely defend only policies of respect, tolerance, and health that benefit all people.



YOUR personal stories, experiences, perspectives and opinions are the glue that bonds our community and inspires us to all keep moving forward. This community exists because of YOU, and is moderated to remain a respectful safe-space to exchange ideas solely through the work of our dedicated volunteers. Personal stories and original thoughts for discussion and action are strongly encouraged and given the highest priority in our group.​

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Are you ready to be an agent of change? Our group works together to provide ways for everyday people to be active and involved in our democratic process while effecting the positive change they desire. Action Together Bay Area supports the people, organizations and movements that are fighting for the values of our mission. We follow the lead of those most impacted by and knowledgeable about which actions will be the most effective, and we ACT.​

Check out the Bay Area Action Calendar! »


​Join us to Listen, Learn, and Act Together.
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